Diversity and inclusion are key drivers for high performing organizations. While diversity is the existence of different views, inclusion is what transforms diversity into a valuable source for finding the best solution.
Our women’s network is a main driver towards more diversity and inclusion in our company – Wintershall Dea. We’d love to tell you about our exciting, challenging and ambitious journey, what we’ve learned so far, what made us strong, as well as where we have failed. And of course, we are extremely curious to hear about your experiences.
Please watch our Women’s Network Video as a warm-up if you like.
Annett Hufe is active in FTA for many years and was involved in the WD Women’s Network from the start. She loves to bring the experiences from one network into the other one to support the development of both.
Personal challenges and solutions are one of her favorite discussion topics as she is convinced, that there is always something to learn from others. For this reason, she very much enjoyed attending courses regarding diversity and cultural differences during studying, during her trainee program and during the Femtec Careerbulding Program. Until today she loves working with multi-cultural teams around the globe.
Joanna Jedrys is passionate about working with people from whom she can get inspiration and motivation and offering it back to others. She is an Innovation Manager in the international oil & gas company Wintershall Dea. Working in heavily men dominated environment pushed her to join corporate Women’s Network and together with members from 10 different countries work towards gender equality. She is co-chair of the Women’s Network full of highly motivated and strongly committed people who spend their energy on activities aiming at making a positive change in their company, increasing the awareness of D&I, in particularly in the gender dimension
Dionne Konings is VP Diversity & Inclusion at WD. She was one of the founding members of the Women’s Network at Wintershall Dea. Her commitment to equal opportunities was raised to a new level with her position, in which she can actively accompany the cultural change. We at WD stand for an environment of equal opportunities for all employees.
Anke Röttel has always been committed to diversity and equality. Especially working in a male dominated environment such as the E&P industry, where she is often the only woman in the room, has motivated her to be an active member of the Women’s Network – not only to find allies and a community, but also to be part of the cultural change, driven strongly by the Network and its passionate members. She is the Co-Chair of Wintershall Dea’s Women’s Network, together with Joanna Jedrys.
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